How to book a
Tasting Tuscany Vacation
Step by step
Please follow these steps to book your next Tasting Tuscany Tour
Go to the Tours button located in the header of the site menu.
Select the Tour & Date and request a detailed Itinerary. Request a phone chat so that you are able to ask questions you will most certainly have.
Having decided to join us on one of our tours, go to the Register/Terms & Conditions page that you will find on the Booking page (from the main menu tool-bar). Read completely and submit.
You will be confirmed of tour availability. You will then need to secure your position by forwarding tour deposits. You will be sent an invoice for the deposit & or full payment.
Go to Payment Options page. A non-refundable deposit of $550.00 must be paid (deposits may be applied to a future tour should you need to cancel, time restrictions apply see booking form for details). When deposits are received you will be sent the booking form that outlines all deadlines, cancellation policy and liability. This form need be signed and returned to Tasting Tuscany LLC Food & Wine Tours.
Upon completion of registration, booking form & your deposit, you will receive confirmation of payment and booking.
Should you desire air ticketing assistance and travel insurance, you will be contacted by Renee Dommermuth, our Airline Ticketing Specialist for Tasting Tuscany. Feel free to use your preferred provider for travel ticketing, just let us know when booking.
You will receive a Tour Informational Package within a month of booking. There may be up-dated information regarding your specific tour/vacation forwarded prior to the tour.
You will be speaking with Marc or a member of his team if you have not prior to booking. If you have not scheduled a phone call-back, you will be receiving a request to do so. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time during your decision making process.